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Star Group, L.P. (SGU)

Currency in USD Disclaimer
$11.02 ( $0.09 (0.82%) )
As of 06/23/2024 16:00:00
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Company Earning

Quarterly earnings report displays a comparative analysis of EPS and revenue between the current and previous quarters, along with percentage changes.

Quarter EPS (Earnings Per Share) Revenue
Q2 - 2024 1.56 (387.50%) ▲ $666,032,000 (26.12%) ▲
Q1 - 2024 0.32 (158.18%) ▲ $528,096,000 (97.84%) ▲
Q4 - 2023 -0.55 (17.91%) ▲ $266,937,000 (-11.06%) ▼
Q3 - 2023 -0.67 (-147.18%) ▼ $300,121,000 (-59.31%) ▼

Key Stats

Key stats represent essential financial metrics and indicators used to evaluate a company's performance and potential investment opportunities.

Stock Score/grades

The Stock Score/Grades evaluate bankruptcy risk and assess the financial strength and fundamental health of a company

  • Altman Z Score 2.42
  • Piotroski Score 7.00
  • Grade N/A

Company brief: Star Group, L.P. (SGU)

Star Group, L.P. sells home heating and air conditioning products and services to residential and commercial home heating oil and propane customers in the United States. It also sells diesel fuel, gasoline, and home heating oil on a delivery only basis, as well as provide plumbing services; and installs maintains, and repairs heating and air conditioning equipment. As of September 30, 2021, the company served approximately 422,200 full service residential and commercial home heating oil and propane customers and 71,100 customers on a delivery only basis. It also sells gasoline and diesel fuel to approximately 26,700 customers. Kestrel Heat, LLC operates as the general partner of the company. The company was formerly known as Star Gas Partners, L.P. and changed its name to Star Group, L.P. in October 2017. Star Group, L.P. was incorporated in 1995 and is based in Stamford, Connecticut.

Stock Analysis

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SGU Technical Analysis

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