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How often is the information on Stocks.news updated?

The information on Stocks.news is regularly updated to provide users with the latest news, sentiments, and insights, ensuring that they have access to current and relevant data for their investment decisions.

Does Stocks.news cover stocks only from the Nasdaq stock exchange?

No, Stocks.news specializes in providing information and analysis for stocks trading under the Nasdaq, NYSE and AMEX stock exchange in the USA.

Can I receive notifications on my mobile device for important stock-related events through the Stocks.news app?

Yes, the Stocks.news mobile application provides push notifications, ensuring that users stay informed about important stock-related events and market movements in real-time.

How can I access Stocks.news on my mobile device?

Stocks.news has a mobile application available on both Apple and Android platforms, allowing users to track stocks, receive alerts, and access all the website's features conveniently from their mobile devices.

Are all the features and services on Stocks.news free of charge?

Yes, all the features mentioned on Stocks.news, including the latest news, research, social media sentiments, email alerts, stock comparison, insider trading insights, and stock watchlist, are provided to users free of charge.

What is the purpose of the Stock Watchlist section on Stocks.news?

The Stock Watchlist section enables users to track specific stocks of interest, providing a convenient way to monitor their performance and receive timely updates on relevant news and sentiments.

Is there a section on Stocks.news where I can access information about insider trading within a company?

Yes, Stocks.news offers a dedicated section where users can access information about insider trading activities within a company, allowing them to gain insights into potential market movements.

How does the "Compare Stocks" feature work on Stocks.news?

The "Compare Stocks" section allows users to compare multiple stocks based on different parameters, providing a comprehensive overview of how these stocks perform relative to each other across various metrics.

Can I receive free email alerts for spikes in sentiment or news mentions for specific stocks?

Yes, Stocks.news provides free email alerts to users, notifying them of significant spikes in sentiment or news mentions for stocks they are interested in, enabling them to stay informed about market movements.

How does Stocks.news analyze and present social media and news sentiments for stocks?

Stocks.news utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze social media and news sentiments, presenting users with insights into positive and negative sentiments related to specific stocks, helping them make informed market decisions.

What is Stocks.news, and what services does it offer?

Stocks.news is a financial news website that specializes in providing the latest news, detailed technical and fundamental research, and social media sentiments for stocks listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange in the USA.
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