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PhenixFIN Corporation (PFX)

Currency in USD Disclaimer
$47.44 ( $1.98 (4.34%) )
As of 06/23/2024 15:33:00
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Company Earning

Quarterly earnings report displays a comparative analysis of EPS and revenue between the current and previous quarters, along with percentage changes.

Quarter EPS (Earnings Per Share) Revenue
Q2 - 2024 2.62 (19.63%) ▲ $2,868,147 (-51.81%) ▼
Q1 - 2024 2.19 (-37.78%) ▼ $5,951,482 (-38.32%) ▼
Q4 - 2023 3.52 (-17.37%) ▼ $9,649,280 (-13.24%) ▼
Q3 - 2023 4.26 (33.13%) ▲ $11,121,471 (31.39%) ▲

Key Stats

Key stats represent essential financial metrics and indicators used to evaluate a company's performance and potential investment opportunities.

Stock Score/grades

The Stock Score/Grades evaluate bankruptcy risk and assess the financial strength and fundamental health of a company

  • Altman Z Score 124.49
  • Piotroski Score 5.00
  • Grade Perform

Company brief: PhenixFIN Corporation (PFX)

PhenixFIN Corporation is a business development company. The firm seeks to invest in privately negotiated debt and equity securities of small and middle market companies. It primarily invests in the following sectors: business services; buildings and real estate; automobile; oil and gas; aerospace and defense; home and office furnishings, housewares, and durable consumer products; healthcare, education and childcare; personal, food, and miscellaneous services; retail stores, diversified or conglomerate manufacturing; telecommunications; mining, steel, iron, and non-precious metals; leisure, amusement, motion pictures, and entertainment; chemicals, plastics, and rubber; finance; personal and nondurable consumer products (manufacturing only); beverage, food, and tobacco; containers, packaging, and glass; structure finance securities; machinery (non-agriculture, non-construction, non-electric); diversified or conglomerate service; restaurant and franchise; electronics; and cargo transport. The fund seeks to invest in companies located in North America. The fund targets private debt transactions in companies with enterprise values or asset values between $25 million and $250 million. The fund seeks to invest in companies with debt investment values between $10 million and $50 million. It exits its investments between three years and seven years; it holds most of its investments to maturity or repayment, but may realize or sell some investments earlier. The fund may take a board seat on its investee companies and can also offer managerial assistance to certain portfolio companies. It structures its investments as first lien senior secured loans, second lien senior secured loans, senior secured notes, senior subordinated notes, subordinate notes, unitranche loans, and seeks warrants or other equity participation. The fund may co-invest in privately negotiated transactions under certain conditions. PhenixFIN Corporation was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

Stock Analysis

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PFX Technical Analysis

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