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A Buy Low Bonanza

By Lisa Fritscher   |   Jun 26, 2024 at 01:21 PM EST   |   Companies
A Buy Low Bonanza

The stock market has been red hot lately, with tons of companies battling for a top spot. But there are also plenty of bargains to be had. Three stocks in particular have had a rough year so far, but analysts expect them to turn around. If you’re looking for a buy low opportunity with a lot of room for growth, you may want to consider one of these companies.

Keysight (NYSE: KEYS)

Keysight Technologies is one of those back-end businesses you may not have heard of, but you’re doubtless familiar with their customers. The company supplies hardware, software, and service packages for such blue chip clients as Nvidia, Tesla, and Cisco. They’ve struggled in recent months due to an overall downturn in their customers’ new product development, which softened demand for Keysight’s products and services. But things are set to turn around by the end of this year, as demand is starting to pick up. Keysight stock is currently trading at 22.4 times estimated 2024 earnings, with solid growth expected in 2025 and beyond. This means that now could be the right time to buy.


UPS stock crashed hard in 2023, primarily due to an extended labor dispute that drove many customers to choose other shippers. But the company is rapidly bouncing back. UPS is renewing its focus on higher-margin healthcare and small to medium-sized business deliveries, while simultaneously investing in new technology. Coupled with $1 million in cost cutting measures and a dedication to winning its customers back, the future looks bright for UPS. For now, its share prices are still down about 21% since the beginning of last year, making UPS a potentially excellent buy low opportunity.


Like most supply chain and logistics companies, GXO Logistics got a huge boost from the pandemic lockdowns and subsequent surge in e-commerce. But the past year has been tough for the company as high interest rates and the ability to freely shop at brick-and-mortar stores softened e-commerce demand. Still, e-commerce is growing as a percentage of retail sales, which means plenty of room for recovery. In addition, warehouse technology is becoming ever more sophisticated, making it increasingly likely for blue chip companies to outsource the logistics to companies like GXO.

Neither Lisa Fritscher nor Stocks.News have positions in any of the companies mentioned in this article.

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Lisa Fritscher

Contributing Writer

Lisa Fritscher has been a contributing writer for App.Stock.News since 2024. Lisa has been interested in investing since winning The Stock Market Game in high school. In more than a decade as a professional writer, she has written consumer-facing financial information and advice articles for a wide variety of publications. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of South Flori...

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