Tri-Continental Corporation (TY) Earning


$0.24 (0.74%)
Day's range
Day's range

Tri-Continental Corporation Analyst EPS Estimates

Quarter Number of Estimates Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate

Tri-Continental Corporation Earnings Date And Information

Tri-Continental Corporation last posted its earnings results on N/A. The company reported $N/A earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of $N/A by $0. The company had revenue of 84.29 M for the quarter and had revenue of 67.10 M for the year. Tri-Continental Corporation has generated $5 earnings per share over the last year ($4.83 diluted earnings per share) and currently has a price-to-earnings ratio of 6. Tri-Continental Corporation has not formally confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company's estimated earnings date is Thursday, February 27th, 2025 based on prior year's report dates.

Tri-Continental Corporation Earnings History by Quarter

Date Quarter Consensus Estimate Reported EPS Beat/Miss Revenue Estimate Actual Revenue
06/28/2024 Q2 2024 $3.29 $84.29 M $84.29 M
12/29/2023 Q4 2023 $2.12 $57.62 M
06/29/2023 Q2 2023 $2.65 $28.32 M
12/30/2022 Q4 2022 $0.45 $11.47 M
06/29/2022 Q2 2022 $1.00 $95.27 M
12/30/2021 Q4 2021 $0.96 $123.37 M
06/29/2021 Q2 2021 $1.00 $143.31 M
12/30/2020 Q4 2020 $1.02 $72.86 M
06/29/2020 Q2 2020 $1.00 $22.26 M
12/30/2019 Q4 2019 $0.99 $50.14 M
06/29/2019 Q2 2019 $4.07 $67.31 M
12/30/2018 Q4 2018 -$2.10 $31.26 M
06/29/2018 Q2 2018 $0.69 $30.03 M
12/30/2017 Q4 2017 $3.00 $30.10 M
06/29/2017 Q2 2017 $2.11 $29.19 M
12/30/2016 Q4 2016 $2.30 $28.15 M
06/29/2016 Q2 2016 $0.96 $30.82 M
12/30/2015 Q4 2015 -$1.10 $28.14 M
06/29/2015 Q2 2015 $0.49 $28.05 M
12/30/2014 Q4 2014 $0.73 $25.54 M

Tri-Continental Corporation Earnings: FAQ's

When is Tri-Continental Corporation's earnings date?

Tri-Continental Corporation has not confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company's estimated earnings date is Thursday, February 27th, 2025 based off last year's report dates.

How can I listen to Tri-Continental Corporation's earnings conference call?

The conference call for Tri-Continental Corporation's latest earnings report can be listened to online.

How can I read Tri-Continental Corporation's conference call transcript?

The conference call transcript for Tri-Continental Corporation's latest earnings report can be read online.

How much revenue does Tri-Continental Corporation generate each year?

Tri-Continental Corporation (:TY) has a recorded annual revenue of $67.10 M.

How much profit does Tri-Continental Corporation generate each year?

Tri-Continental Corporation (:TY) has a recorded net income of $67.10 M. Tri-Continental Corporation has generated $4.83 earnings per share over the last four quarters.

What is Tri-Continental Corporation's price-to-earnings ratio?

Tri-Continental Corporation (:TY) has a price-to-earnings ratio of 6 and price/earnings-to-growth ratio is 0.11.

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