Valmont Industries, Inc. Insider Transactions
Valmont Industries, Inc. Insider Trades History
Insider Name | Buy/Sell | Shares Bought/Sold @ Price |
Total Transaction | Shares Held After Transaction |
Transaction Date | Filing Date | Details |
Schapper Aaron M
Former Group Pres. Agri. & CSO |
Sell | 1,940 @ $258.81 | $502,082 | 25,825 | 05/10/2024 | 05/14/2024 | |
Schapper Aaron M
Former Group Pres. Agri. & CSO |
Sell | 1,952 @ $255.78 | $499,283 | 27,765 | 05/10/2024 | 05/14/2024 | |
Freye Theodor Werner
Director |
Sell | 1,049 @ $254.00 | $266,441 | 5,285 | 05/09/2024 | 05/10/2024 | |
VP, Legal and Corp. Secretary |
Sell | 1,304 @ $254.41 | $331,745 | 9,408 | 05/09/2024 | 05/10/2024 | |
Schapper Aaron M
Group Pres. Agriculture & CSO |
Sell | 2,500 @ $253.00 | $632,500 | 27,765 | 05/08/2024 | 05/10/2024 | |
Parnell Thomas Mitchell
EVP, Human Resources |
Sell | 908 @ $249.64 | $226,673 | 6,477 | 05/07/2024 | 05/08/2024 | |
Schapper Aaron M
Group Pres. Agriculture & CSO |
Sell | 2,500 @ $252.34 | $630,850 | 27,765 | 05/07/2024 | 05/08/2024 | |
Schapper Aaron M
Group Pres. Agriculture & CSO |
Sell | 495 @ $226.51 | $112,122 | 22,576 | 12/04/2023 | 12/06/2023 |
Valmont Industries, Inc. FAQ's
The list of insiders at Valmont Industries, Inc. includes Parnell Thomas Mitchell, Schapper Aaron M, Freye Theodor Werner, MASSEY R ANDREW.
Insiders have sold a total of 12,153 Valmont Industries, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 3.09 M sold.
The following insiders have sold Valmont Industries, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Parnell Thomas Mitchell ($226,673), Schapper Aaron M ($2.26 M), Freye Theodor Werner ($266,441), MASSEY R ANDREW ($331,745),