Valmont Industries, Inc. (VMI) Insider Traders


$11.1 (3.54%)
Day's range
Day's range

Valmont Industries, Inc. Insider Transactions

Valmont Industries, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Schapper Aaron M

Former Group Pres. Agri. & CSO

Sell 1,940 @ $258.81 $502,082 25,825 05/10/2024 05/14/2024
Schapper Aaron M

Former Group Pres. Agri. & CSO

Sell 1,952 @ $255.78 $499,283 27,765 05/10/2024 05/14/2024
Sell 1,049 @ $254.00 $266,441 5,285 05/09/2024 05/10/2024

VP, Legal and Corp. Secretary

Sell 1,304 @ $254.41 $331,745 9,408 05/09/2024 05/10/2024
Schapper Aaron M

Group Pres. Agriculture & CSO

Sell 2,500 @ $253.00 $632,500 27,765 05/08/2024 05/10/2024
Parnell Thomas Mitchell

EVP, Human Resources

Sell 908 @ $249.64 $226,673 6,477 05/07/2024 05/08/2024
Schapper Aaron M

Group Pres. Agriculture & CSO

Sell 2,500 @ $252.34 $630,850 27,765 05/07/2024 05/08/2024
Schapper Aaron M

Group Pres. Agriculture & CSO

Sell 495 @ $226.51 $112,122 22,576 12/04/2023 12/06/2023

Valmont Industries, Inc. FAQ's

Who is on Valmont Industries, Inc.'s Insider Roster?

The list of insiders at Valmont Industries, Inc. includes Parnell Thomas Mitchell, Schapper Aaron M, Freye Theodor Werner, MASSEY R ANDREW.

How much insider selling is happening at Valmont Industries, Inc.?

Insiders have sold a total of 12,153 Valmont Industries, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 3.09 M sold.

Which Valmont Industries, Inc. insiders have been selling company stock?

The following insiders have sold Valmont Industries, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Parnell Thomas Mitchell ($226,673), Schapper Aaron M ($2.26 M), Freye Theodor Werner ($266,441), MASSEY R ANDREW ($331,745),