• 6073.29
  • 0.39 %
  • 23.4102
  • DJI
  • 44933.63
  • 0.51 %
  • 228.09
  • N225
  • 39276.39
  • 0.07 %
  • 27.5313
  • FTSE
  • 8335.81
  • -0.28 %
  • -23.6006
  • IXIC
  • 19678.7989
  • 1.02 %
  • 197.8889
Spectaire Holdings Inc. (SPEC) Latest News

Spectaire Holdings Inc. (SPEC) Latest News

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How Mistletoe's spread across UK could be down to the blackcap | Specieswatch

By The Guardian | 13 hours ago

Scientists have different theories about the resurgence of mistletoe, a once scarce plant popular at Christmas during the Victorian era. It is now more common in various regions, with the spread attri...

Colorado cop commandeers child's bike to chase down suspect in hot...

By New York Post | 14 hours ago

A Colorado cop used a child's bike to chase and arrest a fleeing suspect in a theft case. The officer, Jacob Tarr, captured the suspect who had warrants, including armed robbery, showing dedication an...

Mike Tomlin keeping specifics on handling of Steelers star George Pickens in house: 'Not giving you details'

By Fox News | 16 hours ago

Steelers WR George Pickens is under scrutiny for repeated on-field incidents and behavior off the field. Despite his performance, coach Tomlin remains concerned about Pickens' conduct and penalties, k...

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