Sphere 3D Corp. (ANY) Earning


-$0.03 (-2.83%)
Day's range
Day's range

Sphere 3D Corp. Analyst EPS Estimates

Quarter Number of Estimates Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate

Sphere 3D Corp. Earnings Date And Information

Sphere 3D Corp. last posted its earnings results on Thursday, November 14th, 2024. The company reported $0.01 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $-0.19 by $0.2. The company had revenue of 2.36 M for the quarter and had revenue of 21.91 M for the year. Sphere 3D Corp. has generated $-2 earnings per share over the last year ($-1.93 diluted earnings per share) and currently has a price-to-earnings ratio of -1.92. Sphere 3D Corp. has not formally confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company's estimated earnings date is Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 based on prior year's report dates.

Sphere 3D Corp. Earnings History by Quarter

Date Quarter Consensus Estimate Reported EPS Beat/Miss Revenue Estimate Actual Revenue
11/14/2024 Q3 2024 -$0.19 $0.01 0.2 $5.00 M $2.36 M
08/13/2024 Q2 2024 -$0.24 $0.11 0.35 $5.30 M $4.67 M
05/13/2024 Q1 2024 -$0.23 -$0.27 -0.04 $6.95 M
03/13/2024 Q4 2023 -$0.28 -$0.57 -0.29 $7.69 M
11/13/2023 Q3 2023 -$0.50 $197.44 M $5.72 M
08/14/2023 Q2 2023 -$0.44 $195.29 M $5.47 M
05/11/2023 Q1 2023 -$0.31 $3.03 M
03/31/2023 Q4 2022 -$11.94 $1.43 M
09/30/2022 Q3 2022 -$0.31 $164.43 M $1.36 M
06/30/2022 Q2 2022 -$1.01 $88.93 M $1.92 M
03/31/2022 Q1 2022 -$0.22 $1.37 M
03/30/2022 Q4 2021 -$0.28 $845,000
09/30/2021 Q3 2021 -$0.49 $575,000 $1.04 M
06/30/2021 Q2 2021 -$1.26 $894,000
03/31/2021 Q1 2021 -$1.76 $940,000
04/08/2021 Q4 2020 -$0.16 $2.06 M
11/16/2020 Q3 2020 -$1.20 $890,000
08/14/2020 Q2 2020 -$2.84 $891,000
06/24/2020 Q1 2020 -$1.96 $1.01 M
05/15/2020 Q4 2019 -$0.42 $1.12 M

Sphere 3D Corp. Earnings: FAQ's

When is Sphere 3D Corp.'s earnings date?

Sphere 3D Corp. has not confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company's estimated earnings date is Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 based off last year's report dates.

Did Sphere 3D Corp. beat their earnings estimates last quarter?

In the previous quarter, Sphere 3D Corp. (:ANY) reported $0.01 earnings per share (EPS) to beat the analysts' consensus estimate of $-0.19 by $0.2.

How can I listen to Sphere 3D Corp.'s earnings conference call?

The conference call for Sphere 3D Corp.'s latest earnings report can be listened to online.

How can I read Sphere 3D Corp.'s conference call transcript?

The conference call transcript for Sphere 3D Corp.'s latest earnings report can be read online.

How much revenue does Sphere 3D Corp. generate each year?

Sphere 3D Corp. (:ANY) has a recorded annual revenue of $21.91 M.

How much profit does Sphere 3D Corp. generate each year?

Sphere 3D Corp. (:ANY) has a recorded net income of $21.91 M. Sphere 3D Corp. has generated $-1.93 earnings per share over the last four quarters.

What is Sphere 3D Corp.'s price-to-earnings ratio?

Sphere 3D Corp. (:ANY) has a price-to-earnings ratio of -1.92 and price/earnings-to-growth ratio is -0.05.

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