Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. (ARDC) Insider Traders


$0.18 (1.17%)
Day's range
Day's range

Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. Insider Transactions

Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Shaw John Joseph


Sell 2,099 @ $14.18 $29,762 10,000 05/24/2024 05/28/2024
Shaw John Joseph


Sell 2,025 @ $14.18 $28,713 12,099 05/24/2024 05/28/2024
Shaw John Joseph


Sell 7,975 @ $14.09 $112,384 22,025 05/23/2024 05/28/2024
Shaw John Joseph


Sell 7,901 @ $14.09 $111,342 14,124 05/23/2024 05/28/2024
Shaw John Joseph


Sell 20,716 @ $12.80 $265,182 30,000 08/17/2023 08/18/2023
Shaw John Joseph


Sell 9,286 @ $12.85 $119,325 50,716 08/16/2023 08/18/2023

Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. FAQ's

Who is on Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc.'s Insider Roster?

The list of insiders at Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. includes Shaw John Joseph.

How much insider selling is happening at Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc.?

Insiders have sold a total of 20,000 Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 282,201 sold.

Which Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. insiders have been selling company stock?

The following insiders have sold Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Shaw John Joseph ($282,201),