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Primech Holdings Ltd. Ordinary Shares (PMEC) Stock Price, News & Analysis

Currency in USD Disclaimer
$0.58 -$0.01 (-1.71%)

Company brief: Primech Holdings Ltd. Ordinary Shares (PMEC)

Primech Holdings Ltd. provides facilities and stewarding services in the public and private sectors in Singapore. Its facilities services include general cleaning and maintenance of public and private facilities, such as airports, conservancy areas, public areas, refuse disposal areas, and parks and carparks of public housing units; common areas of hotels, educational institutions, public roads, residential spaces, commercial buildings, office facilities, industrial areas, retail stores, and healthcare facilities; housekeeping services; specialized cleaning services, including marble polishing, building façade cleaning, and clean room sanitation services; and waste management and pest control services. The company also offers stewarding services comprising cleaning of the kitchen area of healthcare facilities, hotels, and restaurants, as well as supplies ad hoc customer service officers, and food and beverage service crews to healthcare facilities, hotels, and restaurants. In addition, it operates HomeHelpy, an online portal that allows individual customers to book cleaning services in homes and offices; and manufactures and sells cleaning supplies, such as hand soaps, hand soap dispensers, cleaning fluids, and garbage bags used for general, floor, carpet, restroom, or kitchen purposes, as well as treatment products used in the marine industry under the D'Bond brand name. The company was incorporated in 2020 and is based in Singapore. Primech Holdings Ltd. is a subsidiary of Sapphire Universe Holdings Limited.

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  • $0.00
  • $0.00
  • $0.00
  • N/A
  • Buy
  • N/A
  • N/A


  • -$0.01
  • -60.49
  • -60.49
  • -60.49
  • $-2,531,871

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