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CLPS Incorporation (CLPS) Stock Price, News & Analysis

Currency in USD Disclaimer
$0.88 -$0.01 (-1%)

Stock Score/grades

The Stock Score/Grades evaluate bankruptcy risk and assess the financial strength and fundamental health of a company

  • Altman Z Score 3.70
  • Piotroski Score 2.00
  • Grade N/A

Company brief: CLPS Incorporation (CLPS)

CLPS Incorporation provides information technology, consulting, and solutions to institutions operating in banking, insurance, and financial sectors in the People's Republic of China and internationally. It offers IT consulting services in credit card business areas, such as credit card application, account setup, authorization and activation, settlement, collection, promotion, point system, anti-fraud, statement, reporting, and risk management. The company also provides banking services, including business analysis, system design, development, testing, system maintenance, and operation support; and services in loans, deposit, general ledger, wealth management, debit card, anti-money-laundering, statement and reporting, and risk management, as well as architecture consulting services for banking systems, and online and mobile banking. In addition, it offers solutions in the field of wealth management; e-commerce solutions in online platforms, cross-border e-commerce, logistics, and back-end technology, such as big data analysis and intelligent decision-making among others; and driving, automatic control, and other AI-driven technology solutions for the automotive industry. Further, the company provides IT consulting services to its clients in the banking, wealth management, e-commerce, and automotive industries, among others; and software project development, maintenance, and testing services. Additionally, it offers CLPS Virtual Banking platform, a training platform for IT talents; recruitment and headhunting, as well as fee-for-service training services; and sells product and third-party software. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong.

Company Calendar

  • 11/22/2023
  • 12/01/2023
  • 12/13/2023
  • N/A
  • 10/16/2024
  • N/A

Price Target and Rating

  • $0.00
  • $0.00
  • $0.00
  • N/A
  • Neutral
  • N/A
  • N/A


  • -$0.10
  • -9.1
  • -9.1
  • -9.1
  • $192,529

Key Stats

Key stats represent essential financial metrics and indicators used to evaluate a company's performance and potential investment opportunities.

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