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Beam Global (BEEM) Stock Price, News & Analysis

Currency in USD Disclaimer
$4.61 -$0.04 (-0.86%)

Stock Score/grades

The Stock Score/Grades evaluate bankruptcy risk and assess the financial strength and fundamental health of a company

  • Altman Z Score 0.16
  • Piotroski Score 4.00
  • Grade Buy

Company brief: Beam Global (BEEM)

Beam Global, a cleantech company, designs, develops, engineers, manufactures, and sells renewably energized products for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, outdoor media and branding, and energy security products. The company's product portfolio include EV ARC (electric vehicle autonomous renewable charger), an infrastructure product that uses integrated solar power and battery storage to provide a source of power for factory installed electric vehicle charging stations; Solar Tree DCFC, an off-grid, renewably energized, and single-column mounted smart generation and energy storage system to provide a 50kW DC fast charge to one or more electric vehicles or larger vehicles; and EV ARC DCFC, a DC fast charging system for charging EVs. It is also developing EV-Standard, a lamp standard, EV charging, and emergency power product that uses an existing streetlamp's foundation and a combination of solar, wind, grid connection, and onboard energy storage to provide curbside charging; and UAV ARC, an off-grid and renewably energized product and network used to charge aerial drone (UAV) fleets. The company was formerly known as Envision Solar International, Inc. and changed its name to Beam Global in September 2020. Beam Global was incorporated in 2006 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.

Price Target and Rating

  • $27.50
  • $40.00
  • $15.00
  • N/A
  • Neutral
  • N/A
  • N/A


  • -$1.13
  • -5.2
  • -5.2
  • -5.2
  • $-16,059,999

Key Stats

Key stats represent essential financial metrics and indicators used to evaluate a company's performance and potential investment opportunities.

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