FDA Officially Announces Zyn No Longer “Illegal” In Landmark Approval! The "Zynsation" is Real…

By Stocks News   |   10 hours ago   |   Stock Market News
FDA Officially Announces Zyn No Longer “Illegal” In Landmark Approval! The "Zynsation" is Real…

The FDA just dropped a bombshell that’s sure to send cigarette execs nervously chain-smoking behind the Waffle House. Zyn, the synthetic nicotine pouch brand that’s become a staple for lacrosse bros and finance interns alike, has officially gotten the FDA’s blessing after years of operating in a legal gray area. Yessir, your favorite “lip pillows” are no longer the bad boys of the tobacco aisle—they’re now the teacher’s pet, baby. 

(Source: Giphy) 

Now this isn’t just an ordinary thumbs-up, either. The FDA basically handed Zyn a gold friggin star, whereas, after an extensive scientific review, the agency concluded that Zyn products pose a lower risk of cancer and other serious health conditions compared to cigarettes and traditional smokeless tobacco. In fact, they found these little spit-free pouches might even help smokers quit their Marlboro habit entirely.

Matthew Farrelly, the FDA’s resident science guy, chimed in: “The data show that these nicotine pouch products meet that bar by benefiting adults who use cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco products and completely switch to these products.” Translation: Zyn is like the slightly better-for-you version of your guilty pleasure. Think Diet Coke—but for nicotine.

(Source: CNBC) 

On the other hand, not everyone’s lighting celebratory cigars (or, in this case, popping pouches). The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids slammed the FDA for setting a “dangerous precedent,” calling out Zyn’s flavored options like citrus, cool mint, and peppermint for being too appealing to the youth. Somewhere, JUUL is punching the air on repeat. 

However, with that said, the FDA was quick to let everyone know that this approval doesn’t mean Zyn is “safe” or “FDA approved” in the way your multivitamins are. They’re still a nicotine product, which means no one’s recommending you pick up a pouch just because it’s trendy.

(Source: Giphy) 

Of course, while Zyn has basically been what White Claw was to summer 2019 (but for your gums), the FDA’s findings did note that youth uptake of Zyn has been low so far, which probably helped seal the deal for the approval. But you can bet they’ll be keeping a close eye on whether this turns into another JUUL-style “epidemic.” After all, history has a way of repeating itself, especially when flavors like “chill” and “wintergreen” are involved.

What’s more is that Philip Morris International (+0.69%), the U.S. distributor of Zyn, didn’t exactly pop on the news—probably because its stock has already been on a heater, up nearly 30% in the last year. The success of Zyn has been a major driver for the tobacco giant, proving that nicotine innovation is alive and well, even as cigarette sales go the way of the DVD player.

(Source: AP) 

In addition, Swedish Match, the OG developer of Zyn, which called the FDA’s decision a “milestone” for public health. Swedish Match has been riding high on Zyn’s success, with the nicotine pouch market becoming a TikTok sensation. 

For now, Zyn officially FDA-approved, the floodgates could open for other nicotine pouch brands to follow suit—with Philip Morris being the main benefactor. Now will the bullish trend continue for Philip? Only time will tell, but for now, Zyn is the first to get the regulatory green light, and that’s a huge win in a market where trust (and legality) is everything.

(Source: Giphy) 

Meaning, next time you see someone discreetly tucking a Zyn pouch in during a quarterly earnings call, just know—they’re not breaking the rules anymore. They’re just ahead of the curve. Obviously, do what you will with this information, and as always stay safe and stay frosty, friends! Until next time… 

P.S. You have Zyn to get you through your day—I have Stocks.News, we are not the same. Join us on the winning side, and get access to a swath of tools that makes real-time analysis and deciphering the market as simple as ever. Oh and did I mentioned we are ranked the #23 BEST App (not just finance) on the App Store? Bigly. Click here to join us and see just how real the hype is…

Stocks.News does not hold positions in companies mentioned in the article. 

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