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Fang Holdings Limited (SFUN) Earning

Fang Holdings Limited (SFUN) Earning

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Fang Holdings Limited Earnings History by Quarter

Date Quarter Consensus Estimate Reported EPS Beat/Miss Revenue Estimate Actual Revenue
12/30/2020 Q4 2020 -$0.01 $56.51 M
09/29/2020 Q3 2020 $1.20 $56.68 M
06/29/2020 Q2 2020 $2.40 $66.85 M
03/30/2020 Q1 2020 -$4.10 $38.27 M
12/30/2019 Q4 2019 -$3.18 $49.61 M
09/29/2019 Q3 2019 $0.10 $67.55 M
06/29/2019 Q2 2019 $0.50 $67.56 M
03/30/2019 Q1 2019 $1.49 $51.89 M
12/30/2018 Q4 2018 -$5.11 $82.18 M
09/29/2018 Q3 2018 $0.26 $83.60 M
06/29/2018 Q2 2018 -$2.99 $74.41 M
03/30/2018 Q1 2018 -$5.06 $62.83 M
12/30/2017 Q4 2017 $2.31 $112.22 M
09/29/2017 Q3 2017 $1.72 $112.18 M
06/29/2017 Q2 2017 -$0.24 $110.09 M
03/30/2017 Q1 2017 $0.50 -$1.36 -1.86 $109.80 M
12/30/2016 Q4 2016 -$1.14 $174.66 M
09/29/2016 Q3 2016 -$0.53 $250.13 M
06/29/2016 Q2 2016 -$4.28 $286.98 M
03/30/2016 Q1 2016 -$11.97 $204.62 M

Fang Holdings Limited Earnings: Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is Fang Holdings Limited's earnings date?

    Fang Holdings Limited has not confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company's estimated earnings date is Thursday, May 19th, 2022 based off last year's report dates.

  • How can I listen to Fang Holdings Limited's earnings conference call?

    The conference call for Fang Holdings Limited's latest earnings report can be listened to online.

  • How can I read Fang Holdings Limited's conference call transcript?

    The conference call transcript for Fang Holdings Limited's latest earnings report can be read online.

  • How much revenue does Fang Holdings Limited generate each year?

    Fang Holdings Limited (:SFUN) has a recorded annual revenue of $216.15 M.

  • How much profit does Fang Holdings Limited generate each year?

    Fang Holdings Limited (:SFUN) has a recorded net income of $216.15 M. Fang Holdings Limited has generated $-0.72 earnings per share over the last four quarters.

  • What is Fang Holdings Limited's price-to-earnings ratio?

    Fang Holdings Limited (:SFUN) has a price-to-earnings ratio of -3.9 and price/earnings-to-growth ratio is -0.05.

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