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Insider Trading - Ambarella, Inc.

Recent Insider Transactions in Ambarella, Inc. from Notable Insiders

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held After Transaction Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Ju Chi-Hong

Sr. Vice President, Systems

Sell 6,000 @ $52.90 $317,422 173,193 06/26/2024 06/27/2024
Ju Chi-Hong

Sr. Vice President, Systems

Sell 8,900 @ $55.53 $494,217 179,193 06/21/2024 06/24/2024
Young John Alexander


Sell 2,157 @ $55.48 $119,670 105,414 06/18/2024 06/20/2024
Day Christopher

VP, Marketing

Sell 487 @ $55.48 $27,019 23,007 06/18/2024 06/20/2024
Lee Chan W


Sell 1,504 @ $55.48 $83,442 122,642 06/18/2024 06/20/2024
Kohn Leslie

director, CTO

Sell 1,623 @ $55.48 $90,044 963,041 06/18/2024 06/20/2024
Ju Chi-Hong

Sr. Vice President, Systems

Sell 1,059 @ $55.48 $58,753 179,193 06/18/2024 06/20/2024
Wang Feng-Ming


Sell 3,058 @ $55.48 $169,658 803,574 06/18/2024 06/20/2024
Schwarting Elizabeth M


Sell 230 @ $55.56 $12,779 5,934 06/17/2024 06/20/2024
Ju Chi-Hong

Sr. Vice President, Systems

Sell 1,895 @ $57.50 $108,963 180,252 06/10/2024 06/11/2024
Ju Chi-Hong

Sr. Vice President, Systems

Sell 2,296 @ $56.79 $130,379 182,147 06/07/2024 06/11/2024
Schwarting Elizabeth M


Sell 240 @ $49.47 $11,873 6,164 03/20/2024 03/21/2024
Young John Alexander


Sell 1,546 @ $49.27 $76,171 107,571 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Day Christopher

VP, Marketing

Sell 416 @ $49.27 $20,496 23,494 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Lee Chan W


Sell 1,075 @ $49.27 $52,965 124,146 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Kohn Leslie

director, CTO

Sell 1,198 @ $49.27 $59,025 964,664 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Ju Chi-Hong

Sr. Vice President, Systems

Sell 778 @ $49.27 $38,332 184,443 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Wang Feng-Ming


Sell 2,173 @ $49.27 $107,064 806,632 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Young John Alexander


Sell 704 @ $57.16 $40,241 108,899 03/08/2024 03/11/2024
Day Christopher

VP, Marketing

Sell 302 @ $57.16 $17,262 23,692 03/08/2024 03/11/2024
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