Salesforce Taps Nvidia to Steal American Jobs...

You thought customer service was bad now? Just wait until Salesforce and Nvidia start rolling out AI avatars that know more about your life than you do. That’s right, these two tech behemoths have recently announced they’re teaming up to create AI-powered autonomous agents that will supposedly "transform" how businesses engage with customers. Translation: your next customer service interaction might involve a digital clone asking you how your weekend was… and actually knowing the answer.

(Source: Giphy) 

In short, Salesforce and Nvidia are coming together to develop AI avatars and agents that don’t just answer your questions—they anticipate your next move. These little AI “helpers’ will apparently be able to handle everything from crisis management to rerouting shipments to adjusting your travel plans whenever a hurricane spontaneously decides to “f*ck sh^t up at your favorite beach resort for no reason. 

(Source: Benzinga) 

According to reports, Salesforce is creatively dubbing this AI agent invitation “Agentforce” (basic, much?) - as this tech giant is predicting billions of these AI agents will be deployed across industries in the coming years. Billions. Which is actually kind of freaky if you ask me. 

But of course,  Marc Benioff is out here hyping this as the next big thing, declaring it the "third wave of the AI revolution." Because why stop at chatbots when you can have fully autonomous AI agents running your entire life? Forget those Microsoft co-pilot tools—that’s work, and with AI Agents the work is done for you (aka probably why Marc is 100% here for it). 

(Source: Giphy) 

On the other hand, what’s Nvidia’s role in this? Well, naturally they’re bringing the heavy artillery needed to power these bad boys. If you’re gonna build billions of AI agents, you need some serious computing power and that’s where Jensen Huang and his chip empire come in. 

(Source: Wall Street Journal) 

Which makes sense considering that Nvidia’s GPUs are basically the brainpower behind every major AI innovation these days. Whereas, now with Nvidia’s AI computing platform being integrated into Salesforce’s Data Cloud - this will create a treasure trove of data for these AI agents to feast on. 

Simply put, all of that data that Nvidia will help spawn up will allow Salesforces avatars to become smarter than pretty much everyone it comes into contact with - creating personal stalkers worse than Google and more intelligent than your own subconscious. 

(Source: Reddit) 

And again, while this all sounds like “Agentforce” comes straight out of a new edition of 1984, this is the reality we are heading towards. In fact, Huang says that "every job will be enhanced by AI agents," which is a nice way of saying that these AI agents will be implemented everywhere whether humans like it or not.  

“So AI is taking our jobs?” - literally everyone

(Source: Giphy) 

Well, I wouldn’t go that far yet, but the “interactive avatars” within this Agentforce plan is definitely one that raises eyebrows. According to Salesforce, these interactive agents will be able to carry on full conversations with customers and employees—meaning no more hold music or getting transferred between departments. 

But why? Well because, 2024 is all about winning the AI arms race. Every tech giant is scrambling to be the first to operationalize AI at this scale, and Salesforce is betting big that their new AI-powered CRM helpers will give them the edge. 

(Source: Forbes) 

Imagine every single business, from a mom-and-pop shop to a Fortune 500 company, deploying these AI agents to handle their customer service, sales, and even internal workflows. It’s not just about cutting costs—it’s about scaling faster than humanly possible (because, well, humans are slow). So if Salesforce can pull this off, they’re going to turn their already massive CRM platform into the central hub for enterprise AI.

But, but, but… the big question is: Are businesses ready for this? Sure, AI sounds cool and all, but are companies really going to trust their customer interactions to a digital avatar? And how quickly is this all going to scale? Salesforce and Nvidia are betting that businesses will jump on board these big, thicc, and veiny AI promises… but like always, only time will tell if that.

(Source: Giphy) 

On an investor stance, the news of the partnership between these two tech giants hasn’t really done much as Salesforce is down -1.10% on the day, while Nvidia is only up +0.14% on the day. Now of course, that’s likely been due to the Fed decision looming over the markets… but still, it’s wise to keep an eye out for any major developments.

In the end, it’s clear that AI is no longer just a research project—it’s here, it’s real, and it’s about to start shaking things up in a big way. The Salesforce-Nvidia partnership marks a major milestone in AI’s march toward business domination, and every other tech company out there should be taking notes.

(Source: Giphy) 

In the meantime, keep an eye on both of these stocks and as always stay safe and stay frosty friends! Until next time…

Stocks.News holds positions in Google and Microsoft as mentioned in the article.