Musk Dares Doubters to Sell Tesla as Robotaxi Launch with “Mystery Automaker” Looms

Elon Musk is stirring things up again, and you can bet Tesla’s stock price isn’t the only thing climbing—Google searches for “Tesla robotaxi” are blowing up too. 

It’s no surprise though, because Musk is out here promising that Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) software is about to hit the streets, along with the shiny new Cybercab robotaxi in California next month. 

The hype is real, with Tesla riding high on the excitement, but we all know Musk loves to make a splash. If you’ve got your TSLA shares, you’re probably watching those search trends like they’re stock charts, hoping that this time the delivery matches the headline.

In a recent roadmap update shared on X (formerly Twitter), Tesla revealed that its FSD software would expand to Europe and China next year, pending regulatory approval. This marks a significant shift for Tesla, moving away from simply manufacturing EVs and diving headfirst into AI-powered tech. The company is committing $10 billion this year alone to AI and autonomous driving systems, a clear signal that they’re doubling down on the future of self-driving cars.

(Source: Not a Tesla App)

Tesla’s stock got a lift this morning on the back of the news, especially with the Cybercab launch set for October at Warner Bros. Discovery’s LA studio. Musk’s vision? A fleet of self-driving taxis cruising California’s streets, easing traffic headaches and parking struggles. These robotaxis would be part of Tesla’s 7-million-strong global fleet of electric vehicles, powered by AI.

And if you’re sitting there thinking, “This is just another Elon promise destined for the ‘maybe later’ pile,” you wouldn’t be alone. Critics have pointed out that Tesla has a bit of a habit of overpromising and underdelivering. In fact, Tesla recently wiped its blog clean of everything pre-2019, including Musk’s original “Secret Master Plan” from 2006. You know, the one that promised affordable cars and zero-emission power? 

At the heart of Tesla's AI dreams is Dojo, a supercomputer that’s supposedly going to rival Nvidia in the world of computer vision processing. Musk has made it clear: Tesla is "doubling down" on Dojo, and the goal is to make it the backbone of Tesla’s autonomous driving systems. With that $10 billion price tag looming, it’s clear that Musk is betting big on AI.

(Source: Futurism)

He’s even gone as far as to say that anyone who doesn’t believe in Tesla’s ability to solve full vehicle autonomy “should sell their Tesla stock.” No pressure, right? But for those still hanging on, the potential payoff could be massive. Wedbush analyst Dan Ives has called Tesla the most undervalued AI play on the market, and Musk himself has touted the billion-dollar profit potential that AI can bring to the table. And with the FSD package costing an extra $12,000 on top of a Tesla’s $45,000 price tag, it’s no wonder Musk sees dollar signs when he talks about AI.

Looking ahead, Tesla is also eyeing licensing deals for its FSD technology, with one mystery automaker reportedly in discussions. Analysts predict Tesla could generate up to $20 billion annually from licensing within five years—a significant boost for a company facing stiff competition in the EV market, where its sales have dipped recently.

But there’s a cloud hanging over the excitement: Tesla’s FSD software has been linked to at least two fatal crashes in the past two years. Musk may boast of hundreds of millions of miles of FSD data, but public safety concerns remain. Winning over skeptics will require more than just Musk’s typical PR flare.

But, but, but…

While Tesla is busy trying to fire up its money-printing machine with all the robotaxi hype, our Stocks.News alert from yesterday is absolutely ROARING, my friends. We’re talking another +167.37% peak move in less than 24 hours.

The best part? It’s still got plenty of momentum. With over 154,000 shares of this stock currently sold short, we could be looking at a viral short squeeze as the day unfolds. So, if you haven’t already, I highly recommend clicking here to upgrade ASAP.

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya! In the meantime, stay safe and stay frosty, friends! Until next time...

Stock.News has positions in Tesla and Alphabet.