Does $AI's Latest Earnings Fiasco Prove AI Trend to Be All Hype and No Bite? (Shares Tank -20%)

So, (NASDAQ: AI) just dropped its latest earnings report, and let’s just say, it’s about as mixed as a bag of trail mix where someone ate all the M&Ms. Sure, there are some raisins (wins) in there, but let's face it—nobody’s excited about raisins. 

(Source: Giphy) 

The software company, known for its enterprise AI wizardry, (and it’s nifty ticker symbol) managed to pull a rabbit out of the hat in some areas, but the market’s reaction was less “wow” and more “meh.” For instance, you’d think that a company with a ticker symbol $AI, would be absolutely swimming in money during its earnings report, but nope. Not the story here whatsoever as reported a loss of $0.05 per share, which, believe it or not, was actually better than the $0.13 loss analysts had braced for. 

(Source: Market Watch) 

That’s right, friends—losing less money than expected is the new winning. Revenue also came in slightly above expectations at $87.2 million, a whopping 3% over what the pros were predicting. “Ok so, technically a top and bottom line beat, good right?" Wrongo. 

Here’s the kicker: subscription revenue, the lifeblood of any self-respecting software company, fell nearly 10% short of projections. And when your business model is basically a subscription service on steroids, that’s like me showing up to football practice without a helmet, and you know, friggin pads. 

(Source: Reuters) 

As a result, Investors were not amused. The fact that 84% of’s total revenue comes from subscriptions makes this shortfall about as comforting as a lukewarm McFlurry on a hot day. Brotha eww… 

Sure, beating EPS feels good— similar to finding a $5 bill in your pocket—but the revenue miss is the financial equivalent of that $5 bill being fake. Investors are laser-focused on subscription revenue because it’s the ultimate indicator of whether is building a sustainable business or just a hype machine (might I remind you of the company's ticker symbol again?). And while a 20% year-over-year growth in subscriptions sounds impressive, it wasn’t enough to keep investors from reaching for the Pepto-Bismol after the report. 

(Source: Giphy) 

Predictably, the market’s reaction was akin to my three year old dropping her snowcone at the park yesterday - a full-on meltdown.’s shares tanked nearly -20%, marking their lowest point since March 2023. And while some may think that’s an exaggerated knee-jerk reaction off a weird earnings beat, the main issue is that investors are getting antsy about profitability, and the underwhelming subscription numbers were like a neon sign flashing “Vacancy”. 

(Source: Giphy) 

The reason, mainly comes from the fact that as the AI train continues to soar to new heights, investors are starting to question the actual revenue generation it offers (outside of selling the shovels to the goldrush - looking at you, Nvidia). Meaning, in today’s market, if you’re a tech company that’s not showing a clear path to profitability, you might as well be offering free AOL CDs. Investors want growth, obvi, but they also want to know when—if ever—you’re going to start printing money. Which is why’s current numbers, while not a total disaster, didn’t exactly scream “cash monay”. 

(Source: Seeking Alpha)

With that said, though it’s not all doom and gloom for The company did manage to sign 71 new agreements, a 122% increase year-over-year. And we’re not talking about deals with your local mom-and-pop shop; we’re talking big names like GSK, Valero, and even Dolce & Gabbana. Yes, you read that right—AI-powered luxury fashion is apparently a thing now. They also scored new contracts with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, proving that Uncle Sam is still hungry for AI hype. 

(Source: PYMTS) 

On top of that, is making inroads into state and local governments, closing 25 deals across various states. This is a smart move, considering government contracts are like the gift that keeps on giving—usually in the form of a steady stream of taxpayer dollars. (Palantir, anyone?) So, while the company might be struggling to win over Wall Street, it’s clearly doing something right when it comes to courting clients.

Financially speaking, isn’t exactly on life support. The company reported $762.5 million in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities. That’s a nice little war chest, giving them the wiggle room to keep the innovation train rolling without having to pass around a collection plate. 

(Source: Simply Wall Street) 

They also posted a positive free cash flow of $7.1 million, which is like being in the black on your checking account even though you just paid rent—always a good feeling. Plus, it’s also worth noting that is sticking to its fiscal year 2025 revenue forecast of $370 million to $395 million, though the midpoint is a tad lower than what analysts were hoping for. In addition, for the next quarter, they’re projecting revenue between $88.6 million and $93.6 million, which is basically saying, “We’re cautiously optimistic, but don’t bet the farm.”

(Source: Giphy) 

So, in the end, where does that leave us? Well in short, is a company with a lot of potential, but it’s still stumbling on the path to profitability. They’ve got the clients, the contracts, and the cash, but what they don’t have—yet—is the ability to turn all that into a profit juggernaut. Investors are right to be cautious, but there’s also reason to be hopeful if the company can tighten up its subscription game and deliver on its lofty promises.

For now,’s story is one of promise and peril. It’s got the tools to succeed, but it’s playing in a high-stakes game where the company needs to do what any company strives to do in the first place… make money. Otherwise, it risks becoming the epitome of everything its “$AI” ticker symbol points to -> All hype and no bite.  

(Source: Giphy) 

But, but, but… 

While works to try and get its money printing machine hooked up and working, our Stocks.News alert from yesterday is absolutely ROARING my friends. We’re talking another +167.37% peak move in less than 24 hours.

The best part? It still has legs! With over 154,000 shares currently sold short on this stock, we could witness a viral short squeeze as the day unfolds. Meaning, if you haven’t done so yet, I highly recommend clicking here to upgrade ASAP

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya! In the meantime, stay safe and stay frosty, friends! Until next time…

Stocks.News does not hold positions in any companies mentioned in the article.