Crypto Crime Ring Falls for FBI’s Fake Token ($25 Million Fraudulent Crypto Proceeds Seized)

I’m not saying Netflix will be on this like fleas on a dog, but I can almost guarantee you this documentary will be making them bookoos of money come next year. And I for one, am 100% here for it. 

Netflix, probably (Source: Giphy) 

In short, the FBI decided to do something worth talking about recently as they just went full on undercover in the crypto world with Operation Token Mirrors. And as you can imagine, it’s as wild as it sounds. The goal? Create and leverage their own cryptocurrency, NextFundAI, to catch crypto’s latest FTX-like scammers with their pants down. Spoiler: It worked… bigly. 

(Source: The Verge) 

Yep, you read that right. The FBI decided the best way to infiltrate the world of crypto fraudsters was to become one of them — well, sort of. They launched NexFundAI, a shiny new Ethereum-based token (because, Bitcoin is for chumps), complete with a fancy website claiming the token was “redefining the intersection between finance and artificial intelligence." A little too on the nose, but hey, it got the job done. 

(Source: The Verge) 

Especially as the sting operation ended with the Department of Justice slapping charges on 18 individuals and companies. Simply put, these market manipulators were allegedly running classic pump-and-dump schemes, wash trading, and creating a whole lot of fake market activity to convince gullible investors that their tokens were the next big thing - when in reality they were most definitely not. 

For instance, the scam worked like this - heavy hitters like ZM Quant, CLS Global, and MyTrade — all market makers who unknowingly worked with the FBI’s NexFundAI to inflate prices and volume would use their own tokens to execute bogus trades. 

(Source: Giphy) 

This, of course, would artificially inflate the price, whereas once the price was nice and bloated like my waistline after Halloween, they’d sell off their tokens, leaving regular investors holding the bag. Classic pump-and-dump, giving the FBI a front-row seat to the whole thing and slapping these players with a nice dose of reality and justice. How much justice, you ask? 

Well, the FBI didn’t just catch these guys in the act - they went ahead and seized a cool $25 million in fraudulent crypto proceeds and shut down 60 different trading bots (bots that were pulling off illegal “wash trades” - aka buying and selling the same tokens over and over to make it look like there’s a ton of demand). Yuuuuge. 

(Source: Benzinga) 

What’s even more crazy about this, is that this sting operation isn’t just some one-off event. According to the FBI’s latest crypto crime report, over 69,000 complaints were filed last year, with a staggering $5.6 billion in losses. And guess what? Investment fraud made up 71% of those losses. Turns out, the crypto world is crawling with bad actors who are just waiting for the next opportunity to fleece unsuspecting investors. (Reason #5,446,820 why I don’t mess with crypto). 

(Source: Giphy) 

So in the end, while the good guys won this time, don’t think for a second that crypto’s wild west days are far from over. We are still in the beginning stages of a massive industry full of scammers, and hopefully, this latest operation puts a bit of fear in those who are still lurking in the shadows. 

(Source: Giphy) 

In the meantime though, if you’re dabbling in crypto, keep your guard up and please act accordingly. The stock market for me is already wild enough, but when you add crypto in the mix it’s a whole ‘nother level. And I, for one, value my mental sanity (unlike all you other degenerates). 

Now obviously do what you will with this information, but regardless stay safe and stay frosty this Monday, friends! Until next time…

P.S. I know It’s Monday, so I’ll make this quick. We've successfully predicted up to 16 triple-digit (100% or more) opportunities nearly every single week for the past four months... and our next alert is set to be released early next week. Meaning, if you haven't done so yet, I'd highly suggest clicking here ASAP and joining the 2,000+ Stocks.News Premium Members.

Stocks.News holds a position in Netflix as mentioned in the article.